I recently studied abroad in London and it's safe to say I'm a Brit at heart, looking for a way to return to the love of my life, Big Ben. Going to London gave me the opportunity to travel around Europe, meet celebs, make friends and gain insight into what I want from this life. It also made me really appreciate free iced tap water. Until I return, my mission is to make my time in the States as exciting as it was abroad, which should be easy since a new lipstick sends me over the moon.
Cheers! Xx.
- S

I like my fair share of boy bands (Cough Harry Styles).
Internet = friend.
When I like something I don't just like it I am OBSESSED with it.
I enjoy replacing lyrics with the word cheese (Why? Well I have no idea).
I'm addicted to my phone. If it breaks I die.
Well I guess it is time for me to write actual sentences. I got my associate's degree last year (Wee!). I enjoy watching YouTube videos, painting my nails, dreaming about being Mrs. Harry Styles, pretending I know how to dance and traveling. Please note that just because I’m from Texas does not mean I will write ya'll (only if it's the only word that works in the sentence). This is my first blog and I'm really excited to share some parts of my life with you guys. I hope you like the blog! If not you can go eat cheese.
Lots of Love,
- C
Social media:
instagram search: interestina, snunez_27 and neversmores
YouTube search: Neversmores
Twitter search: snunez_27 and neversmores
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