Monday, September 29, 2014

How to | Clean Your Makeup Brushes (affordable and easy)

If you own makeup brushes, you know the struggle of forcing yourself to clean them once a week (ish). I had makeup brushes for three years before I ever thought about cleaning them (don't judge me) because I didn't know how to go about doing so. Last year, my collection grew, as did my beauty blogger research. Like with many things in the beauty world, there were so many different ways to clean brushes and it was all a bit overwheming and expensive. I wanted to find a simpler method that was budget-friendly. I had been using regular antibacterial hand soap until I found something better when I thought about using dish soap.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Beauty blogging is a special thing because within the community, one person's rave of a product makes its way around the blogosphere and before you know it, a hyped-up product has been born and everyone wants to get their hands on it. I don't believe there's such a thing as "copying" within the beauty blogger world, despite that so many of my fave beauty gals use the same products. The repitition serves as a sign that the product is phenom and I HAVE to have it (usually). As I see so many of the same products put to use and raved about, I always feel confident about my purchases and rarely ever buy something without researching blogs and watching YouTube videos to form an opinion of the product. My go-to-gal for all things beauty is the one and only Estée (or EssieButton). Estée and I have a similar taste, and most of the time I love everything she's raved about and I've tried. Below is a round up of my #essiebuttonmademedoit purchases, each with a mini review. It took everything in my power to not adopt a greyhound and include him in the post, but I can't make any promises for the future. Also, this is a long one but you get so many products reviewed!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

August Favorites | 2014

August is one of my favorite months because a lot of fun things tend to happen (One Direction concerts two Augusts in a row!), I'm usually reunited with my cousins and with friends who are visiting from college, and it means we're thisclose to autumn and more importantly, the pumpkin spice latte is upon us! Unfortunately, August also means returning to school and while I used to love the anticipation that comes along with it, 1000 pages of reading in the first week basically kills any desire I've ever had to continue my education (and is to blame for my sparse blog posts, soz). Ramble aside, let's get on to my first monthly faves blog post, shall we?