Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Review | Origins Super Spot Remover

Small bottle, huge impact.

I'm just going to go out and say that my skin has been having a rough time lately. A lot of factors have contributed to this: seasonal change, hormones and primarily the fact that I'm working 30 hours a week during the most stressful semester of my academic life thusfar. My skin is doing this weird thing where I keep getting spots in the same places and rather than apply something to my entire face and risk ruining the nice skin I do have, I thought using an acne spot treatment over the affected areas would be a good idea and my skin is thanking me for it.

First of all, I have combination sensitive skin, so most things either worsen a situation or don't work at all. Like I mentioned, I have had several spots lately, mostly concentrated on my left cheek with a few on my forehead. Now, it has to be noted that this is a tiny bottle. That being said, you can certainly stretch its contents to last you three or four months with pretty bad breakouts. I bought this bottle at the end of August and am left with just over 1/4 of the bottle, so I should be good until December. I use this five or six days a week (morning and night when things are really bad) and apply directly to my spots.

After the initial application, everything comes to the surface (soz I know it's gross) and within a day or two, I'm left with a dry patch, easily scrubed off with a gentle facial scrub, and then there's nothing. I usually apply again for precaution and that area remains clear. My skin, with the exception of three lurkers, has never looked better! This is my fist experience with Origins and I am so pleased. I've used acne spot treatments from drugstore and highend brands that burn my face every time I use them (there is only slight tingling at first with Origins and again only if on sore spots) or they leave my face totally dry and disgusting. Origins has only left me a few dry patches on the bigger spots and like I mentioned, they are easily scrubbed away. I've never been so pleased with an acne product and I'm definitely interested in trying the rest of the range as it hasn't harmed my skin and works quickly with great results.

Have you used this or other Origins products? Let me know so I can expand my collection. I'm really interested in an acne scar removal and a hydrating cream.


- S

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